Ahhh the British Summer, nothings better than going on a drive in summer with your clean car.
With the summer heat upon us, I need to make you aware that bird or animal dropping can ruin your cars paintwork, not only with it be more difficult to remove but we will have to use extra services to remove its indented mark. Due to their acidic nature, they eat away at the paint and clear coat, leaving etch marks and other damage.
There are 2 options when it comes the cleaning process.
Call or email us and get booked in as fast as possible, or
The cheaper and better option for you, purchase a microfibre towel, if you would like you can contact us and we be more than happy to either sell you one or give you a recommendation from a store near you, and simply apply water either with a cup/bowl/bucket or a garden hose, apply any dish soap, and scrub with your microfibre towel (remember to remove the tap off first), simply after rinse over and complete! If not repeat process and if there is a mark that cannot be removed call us in and we can remove it for you!
Bird Droppings damage on a vehicle, which we can remove!
